Thursday, December 18, 2014

No good deed goes unpunished...

My dad was both wonderfully wise and amazingly foolish.  I guess he was like most of us.  We all have our moments, don't we?  I have been thinking about him this week because Monday would have been his 80th birthday.

Perhaps because of this birthday, perhaps because of where I am in life, I remember one of his wise, earthy sayings.

For some people, no good deed ever goes unpunished.

I remember as a kid thinking, what does that mean?  I know he was repeating an old saying of some sort, but how does this square with reality?  This week I was thinking about how the real Christmas story might explain this old proverb from my childhood.

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.
John 1: 5

Darkness hates light.  It can not co-exist with light.  Light drives the darkness away.

So, when we live in the light, shine the light of the gospel, and walk in the truth, darkness will always try to make us put out the light.  Darkness will attack our good deeds.  Evil will try to tear down the light so it can continue.

Yet, like most of us, I am often surprised how darkness tries to put out the light.  I am shocked when a good deed is punished and attacked.  In reality, I am surprised how people can act as agents of darkness.

Should I be surprised?  Should you?

I think not, yet we are.  Remember, when we follow Jesus, we will often be treated how Jesus was treated.  As we grow in maturity and holiness, we will become like our teacher.

He was born in a stable.  He was adored by many, but very few remained faithful to him when he needed them most.  He was killed by religious people for doing good deeds.

Still, the light was not put out.  He rose from the dead to defeat sin and death forever.  The light shines bright in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it.

As we approach Christmas, please hold fast to the promise that the light has not been overcome by darkness.  Even if your life appears to be nothing but the deepest night, ask for grace to turn and see the light.  Perhaps a sample prayer to say often throughout your day is:

Lord Jesus, have mercy on me a sinner.  I know you shine your light in the darkness, please give me eyes to see it.  Capture me with your light, your glory, and your love.

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