Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Time to Write Again

"The horse is made ready for the day of battle,
but the victory belongs to the LORD."
Proverbs 21: 31

It has been awhile.  In fact, it has been so long that I had to think hard to remember my password to this account!

I believe I am ready to write again.  I have been warned that after an extended time of writing, then a time of stopping, it is hard to get going again.  Prayerfully, I will fight through this tendency and move on!

It has been an interesting summer that followed a fascinating spring.  I believe all of life teaches us if we listen.  I have been asking the Lord to teach me what He wishes me to learn.  This has led to more reflection, less talking, and I think a deeper faith and soul.  

I have learned many things.  It has been a season of dealing with terminal diseases.  When one faces eternity and the brevity of life, one cannot help but grow.  What have I learned?

One is that God is true.  He is so faithful and good!  He loves me.  He love my family.  He is deeply concerned for our well-being.  He is also appalled at the evil and wrong in the world.  He will deal with it.

Second, God will build His Church.  Why?  Because the Church is the hope of the world.  She is His spotless bride.  The Church is beautiful, marvelous, and great.  Yet, the true Church is so often hidden within a local church that is impure, defiled, and wrong.  

How could this be?  

At the end of the age, as God's Church grows, the evil one has sought to discredit her beauty by sowing weeds within the wheat.  How do we get them out?  As Jesus said, they must grow together until the harvest.  Yet, when the harvest comes, they will be separated- the good fruit from the bad;  the wheat from the weeds; the grain from the chaff; the sheep from the goats.  

It is really amazing how often Jesus talks about this truth!  In fact, Jesus is merely picking up a theme written about extensively in the OT as God's prophets deal with a rebellious Israel.  After a summer of reflection, I find Jesus' voice matching the voice of Isaiah, Jeremiah, and the various Psalmists.  God keeps, protects, and builds a remnant!

So, today is day one of many.  The time of reflection continues, but the time of writing begins again.  

Please join me in praying for a new computer as this one is on its last legs.  I had purchased an iPad and keyboard, which I love for general writing, but which doesn't work like it should on my blogging sites.  I am sure I will get one when the timing is right!  God has such an incredible way of working out those details!

I thank you for the prayer and for all your support.  It amazes me that even with no writing, folks have been active on this site.  May the Lord bless the proclamation of the His Gospel even through this frail form!