Wednesday, August 19, 2015

God's Training for Life

"Blessed by the Lord, my rock, 
who trains my hands for war, and my fingers for battle;
he is my steadfast love and my fortress,
my stronghold and my deliverer,
my shield and he in whom I take refuge,
who subdues people under me."
Ps 144: 1-2

In many places in the world today, many Christians have been sold a worthless bill of goods when it comes to understanding life.  We are often told that Jesus will make it all better.  We are taught that the gospel is merely our second chance to get things right.  We are encouraged that the entire Christian life comes down to doing our best and then Jesus will take care of the rest.

What if the Christian life was more about struggle than victory?  What if our experience was meant to be marked more by warfare than by peace and security?

Why do we struggle so much?

We live a life a struggle because our world system is turned against God.  The world system's goal is to make the things of God look foolish and to make that which is foolish look normal and great.  The more complete the world's system is against God, the more difficult it is to identify the worldly pull away from truth and righteousness.  We must fight against the world.

We live a life of struggle because of our fallen nature and because of the fallen nature of others.  Our flesh or sinful nature never leaves us.  Even in the most godly person alive there is a constant struggle against our inward pull away from God.  When the world also matches perfectly with our flesh, as it does in the affluent parts of the world today, the pull of the flesh looks and feels so natural and good.  We must fight against the flesh.

We live a life of struggle because there really is a devil and there really are demonic spirits that seek to harm us and to attack the advancing Kingdom of God. In other words, there is personal evil in this world that seeks to destroy the work of God.  It is personified in the fallen angel named Satan, but he also has a host of demonic associates who work behind the scenes.  These forces empower the world system.  They tempt the flesh.  Then the accuse the believer for being such a hypocrite.  We must fight against the devil and his schemes.  

How do we fight?

First we must realize we are in a struggle.  We have enemies who are shooting at us and the Church (sometimes even from the church!).  They are seeking to eliminate truth and righteousness from every area of life.  If we do not "seek His Kingdom and His righteousness" we will be made ineffective in our struggle.  

This means that we should not be surprised at the trials and difficulties we face.  It is part of life.  In our fallen world, we live in a state of constant struggle.  Relationships are so easily broken.  Security is shaky at best.  Trouble is a constantly unwelcome companion.  Somehow, if we walk in faith, God uses them to "train our hands for war, and our fingers for battle."

We must realize that the troubles in life are part of God's training program.

All of our trials, all of our struggles, all of our conflicts should point us to the only true "fortress, stronghold, and shield in which we find steadfast love, a deliverer, and a refuge."  Even the process of aging and approaching death can be used to prepare us for everlasting life with our creator.  Thankfully, there is more to life than just this life and our experience of our life.

We are created to know and experience God's love and mercy.  It is found in the gospel.  It is lived by repenting of our sin and self-sufficiency while we look to Christ and His righteousness as our bread of life.  Remember, "Lord have mercy upon me" is a prayer God never despises.  He will send His mercy and grace to us, even in the midst of trials, when we ask Him for help.

Today, we will enter the battle.  May we witness, affirm, and engage in God's training program.  He is the Lord and He loves us.  There is no other god.  Come to Jesus and ask for His grace to believe in His love and watch care as enough.

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