Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Being Specific about Thanksgiving

"Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances,
for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus."
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18

From the sound of cars on the roadway, I would say that the Thanksgiving holiday has begun.  People are leaving work, heading off to visit relatives, preparing for a Thanksgiving meal of some sort, or just using the holiday as an excuse to cut off work a bit early!  I am so thankful I work 3/4 of a mile from home, so I do not have to travel anywhere on major roads.

This morning and last night I took some time to thank folks through notes and e-mail.  I was struck by how odd it felt.  Particularly the first couple of notes felt decidedly odd.  Why?  Because I do not tell people how much I appreciate them near enough!  Even if I feel thankful, I often do not express it.

I have to say to my friends, colleagues, parishioners, and especially my family, I apologize for not being more forthcoming with praise and thankfulness.  It is so much easier to be self-consumed than to be other focused.  Please forgive me!

At First CRC of Seattle, we are praying for and laboring to create a culture where people are appreciated and affirmed.  Why are such marks often lacking in the church?  If any place should take care of its volunteers and staff, it is the church.

I encourage you this holiday season to let people know how much you appreciate them as well as what specifically makes you thankful about each person.  Be specific.  Be truthful.

I encourage you to do the same with our Living God.  Let Him know about what you are thankful.  Be specific.  Be truthful.

My guess is that being thankful does not come naturally for most of us.  We have a general feeling of thankfulness, but we lack the focus to make it specific.  May this Thanksgiving and this holiday season be about making it specific!

For all my readers in the United States, have a wonderful Thanksgiving.  For the many readers around the world, thanksgiving is not only a holiday, but also a frame of mind.  May we be marked by specific and truthful thankfulness!


  1. I'm thankful for you! And for turkey. And stuffing. And football. And my new yellow furry gloves.

    Life is a delight.

  2. I hope I get to see those yellow furry gloves soon. They sound wonderful.
