Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Independence Day

"It was for freedom that Christ set us free; 
therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery." 
Gal. 5:1

Happy Independence Day America!  Today we celebrate the signing of the Declaration of Independence.  It is a national holiday full of summer fun, fireworks, and barbecues.  I would like to ask us to celebrate by thinking about the meaning of freedom and independence.  

Most of us like to think we are truly free people.  Yet, there are so many constraints on all of our lives.  We have work, family, and other social responsibilities.  We have physical, mental, and emotional limitations.  We also have so much fear and doubt that clouds are ability to choose a different path.

This is what makes the first 4th of July so incredible.  Even with their limitations and their fears caused by an occupying army, these men pledged their "lives, fortunes, and sacred honor."  Such bravery is amazing.  To face the fear of the unknown, but to hope in a better future is inspirational!

I wish to offer that walking with Jesus in a full and engaging faith has many similarities to the bravery needed to sign a Declaration of Independence.  Faith means that we reject the known and safe for something better.  In this case, we reject the idols that held us fast as false, shallow, and unsatisfying.  Instead, we embrace the love, care, and presence of Christ, by and through the power the Holy Spirit that dwells within us, so that we regain a renewed and growing relationship with the Father.

So many times people have argued that faith in God is a crutch for the weak.  They argue that strong people like them do not need a far off God to "prop up" their life.  They are willing to make their own meaning and live with the consequences.

To such thought, I say, "Good luck with that."  Deep within I know they sense a need for freedom from their selfish pride.  They know they fall short of their own ideals.  They sense a break in their relationships that they cannot explain.  Yet, they are too afraid of losing “control” so they reject the one sure cure for their unease: faith in Jesus Christ.

You see, all of our feeling of being bound should help us realize how much we need renewed and growing relationship with God.  Without knowing our need, we will never fully trust in the cure.  Thus, the law of God is important because it battles our pride that leads to self-righteousness, and it casts us before Christ alone for mercy and grace.  As we repent of our self-effort and our other sins, we find joy, grace, and power to live a life of freedom.

Some people say this message is too negative.  I have heard it said often that the message of the gospel is not encouraging since it focuses too much upon our sin and need of God.  I am always amazed at this objection.  It is so short-sighted!  

In reality, ignoring the real gospel message means we replace it with something false.  Instead of learning to rest in the solid rock that is Christ, we prefer to trust in ourselves.  Consequently, we give up our freedom and joy found in Christ for bondage found in trying to keep ourselves satisfied while maintaining our undeserved reputation.  

In scriptural language, we reject the spring of living water for broken cisterns that cannot hold water (Jer. 2:13).  Is it negative to speak the truth?  Each of us need God's love and mercy daily!  We so quickly give up our freedom in Christ for bondage to self.  Confess, repent, and believe.

In the same way, our freedom here in America came by God's blessing, but it also came through the blood and service of those in our military.  America is a social experiment in personal liberty and freedom being granted to each individual.  This liberty gave each person the freedom and encouragement to pursue their own good, as well as the responsibility of working toward that end.  The result has been the greatest civilization the world has ever known (though the Chinese and other civilizations would disagree!).  

It is amazing how we as Americans take this for granted.  We give up our freedom for "peace" and "security."  At least these are the code words we use.  What we really want instead of freedom is comfort and ease.  Friends all of these words are not synonyms for the same concepts!  Freedom always comes with a price, and it is maintained by diligence.  

As Americans, I fear we have become too self-absorbed to keep up the fight for liberty, opportunity, and freedom.  We give lip service to freedom, but we prefer bondage with "security" to freedom with responsibility.

Truly the fallen human condition forgets the blood that set it free!  As individuals and as nations we constantly drift toward comfort and security from society instead of finding our rest in Christ alone.  May the price paid by Christ be the center of our reflections this Memorial Day.

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