Monday, September 28, 2015

The Importance of our Faith

One must keep on pointing out that Christianity is a statement which, 
if false, is of no importance, 
and if true, of infinite importance.  
The one thing it cannot be is moderately important.

C.S. Lewis, God in the Dock, 101.  
In essay called "Christian Apologetics"

I am currently back east for a board meeting of the Back to God International Ministry and a visit with my mother.  It has been good.  Yesterday I had the privilege of attending worship at Grove City Church of the Nazarene.  When I graduated from High School, this church was around 100 people.  It was marked by a spirit of judgmental fundamentalism.  Now, 25 years later, it is the largest Nazarene church in the United States.  I always find the folks to be welcoming and the worship to be inspiring.

Yesterday, I heard the above quotation from the pastor who was preaching on the topic of apathy.  I have to confess, I could not agree more with Lewis on this point.

Our faith is true; and as a result, 
it is the most vitally important topic in the entire world.  

Christianity should be talked about and understood by all people.  It is the story behind the story of each of our lives.  It is the foundation of all truth, all morality, all grace, and all love found in the world.  Christianity is vitally important.

Why don't more people think this way?

Because far too many Christians think and live like Christianity is merely moderately important.  It is an opinion.  It is personal.  It might give offense to some, so out of fear of rejection we don't want to be too outgoing about our faith.

As someone called by God's grace to faith at age 18, I have such a hard time understanding why so many who claim allegiance to Jesus play the religion game.  What do I mean?  The religion game is keeping your faith compartmentalized.  It is something you pull out on Sundays, at funerals, or at other times when it is deemed proper.

Personally, I find nothing more boring and foolish than the religion game.  It would be far better to sleep in or play golf on Sundays than go to church to play the religion game.

If our faith is true, then it changes everything.  

It means going to worship is not optional, but something we can't wait to do because it is such a blessing and privilege to worship Jesus with others who believe He is the most important person ever.  It means that Christianity shapes every element of our lives.  It becomes the focal point of everything.

Why?  Because Jesus is still alive.  His Spirit is still at work.  He grace still transforms lives, families, and communities.  Jesus is the light in the darkness.

I end with a two simple questions.  Do you believe and live like Christianity is the most important truth in the entire world?  If not, why not?

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