Monday, February 10, 2014

To do lists and Walking with God

"Repent, for the Kingdom of heaven is at hand."
Mat. 4: 17

I love my Monday morning to do list.  Having time to reflect upon the last week and plan for the new week gets me excited.  I always look forward to what the Lord will do next!

This week, as I am preparing for "what's next" I am amazed at how my life can get caught up in the urgent, but not important things.  Last week, I attempted to tear my ankle off my body while playing basketball.  The result was an entire week with a swollen and painful ankle that needed ice and elevation to keep the swelling down.

What a distraction!

This was coupled with a fast hitting cold that appeared suddenly at the end of week.  It was nothing major, and a box of tissues later I am on the mend.

Still, last week I did not get everyone done that I planned to do last Monday.  The week did not go as I planned!

This Monday, I am making a new list.  I am also reflecting upon the truth that true life is found in the midst of distractions.  In other words, our lives were never meant to be a "to do" list.  In the daily rhythm of life, including all the distractions, we are to discover and enjoy the presence of the Lord.   A mark of maturity is learning to walk with God in the midst of all that life is about.

I must confess that I have been slow to learn these lessons.  I can easily be a driven man- a man who gets many things done.  In fact, I grow in frustration as I find I am not getting done all that I wished to complete.  When I find my frustration growing, I must make a list of all I need to finish, with how long I think it will take to do each activity, and then I make a plan to complete the list.  

The question comes, where does God fit into my often-driven, often-distracted life?  Where does God fit into my to-do lists?

By the Lord's grace, He has gently lead me to grow in several ways.  First, He is the one who has made me to be how I am.  My ability to get much done because of planning is a gift from Him.  It is not sin, but part of my created good.  I must remind myself to make my lists so I keep on track!

Second, even though I do get much completed and I am organized, I am not measured by God according to what I do or accomplish.  This has been the toughest lesson of all!  Jesus loves me even on days I struggle to get anything done on my "to do" list!  I now find that my biggest struggle is believing this truth.

How do I do it?  I have learned that life is not about what I do or don't do, but it is about walking in repentance and faith with my Father.  So even as I complete the many tasks on my radar, I must repent of my heart's desire to use the completion of tasks as the measurement of my life.

I believe that part of my frustration (otherwise known as anger!) with distractions and not completing tasks is my core heart belief that I am measured by what I do.  I need to repent of this idol!  I so much need the love and mercy of Christ poured out within my soul by faith.  When I find my satisfaction in Christ's love, I know joy and love that transforms my day.  It is found when I walk in a state of constant repentance and faith.

Repentance and faith.  There are those words again!  I need them so much.  So do you.  So does the Church.  So does all who live on this fallen earth!

Why have we made our Christian walk about so much else other than repentance and faith?  Why have we made worship of the Living God about everything but repentance and faith?

The first words of Jesus' ministry should give us a clue as to what he was about.  His first message was "Repent for the Kingdom of heaven is near."  Repent!  Confess the reality of your sin and your need for God's mercy.  This is a message that all of us need to internalize and believe.  It is a message that rings true to the life of a long-time disciple of Jesus as well as the life of the most seasoned pagan.  Repent and believe in Jesus for in Him is the Kingdom of heaven.

Is this message the centerpiece of your life?  If not, why?  What else do you see as bringing you closer to God and thus closer to the person He has made you to be?  Ask the Holy Spirit to search you and point out anything that you trust in apart from Jesus to bring you life and joy.  

Repent and walk in faith so you can keep the Main thing, the Main thing.

1 comment:

  1. Good day Dr. Greg,

    So glad to get to read from your blog. I totally agree we must live the most basic thing which is repent and walk in Faith. This is the simplest foundations that we always missed out in our walk with the Lord. Therefore, I seek Him everyday to repent and walk in faith that He will deliver me through all trials and circumstances despite how much a failure I am for He alone is great and will do everything possible thing for us because Jesus loves us so much.

    Thank you , I hope many happen to stumble on this message too. In the Lord all, we need to do is plainly and humbly come to him and repent and He will make sure we make it.


    May God bless you abundantly

    Jael ( Malaysia)
