Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The Week of The Stomach Virus

"So we do not lose heart.  Though our outer self is wasting away, 
our inner self is being renewed day by day.
For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us
an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison,…"
2 Cor. 4: 16-18

One of the best parts of ministry is that there is always something different.  This past week was no exception!

A week ago, the first of my children came down with a stomach flu.  He spent a day miserable on the floor of the bathroom so he was close to the facilities.  This child catches stomach bugs easily, so we hoped for the best.

Then Wednesday night, another child proceeded to not only catch the bug, but spread the germs from his bed all the way to the bathroom through a huge river of vomit.  I cannot say I enjoyed the clean up disaster, but I did make do!

Thursday, another victim went down.  Friday claimed the fourth.  Saturday was my wife's turn.  The world is close to ending when the wife goes down with a stomach flu!

On Sunday, I felt fine but I figured with this kind of record, my days were numbered.  Worked through Sunday morning without difficulties.  Got ready for Sunday evening and took my customary 30 minute Sunday afternoon nap.  All appeared to be well.

Then I got up from the nap with a strange stomach pain and bloating.  O no!  Got ready for Sunday evening service.  My wife suggested I take a bucket.  My kids laughed about how I could be the preacher who goes viral on the internet by puking during the service and then continuing to preach.  I did not find this comforting or encouraging!

Got to church and did not feel well.  Did not feel awful, but not well.  Perhaps I could make it another hour?  Then during the prayer time, I was struck by a huge wave of nausea.  I have never had that happen before.  I hope never to have it again.  I hastily apologized for not being able to finish, I walked straight out of the service, I got home, ran straight to the bathroom, and I assumed the position.

It only took 12 hours to stop.  Another 12 of sleep to feel O.K.  New experiences abound!

Now that I am ready to return to the office, I do wonder what people thought.  I know there was absolutely nothing I could do except go viral on the internet, which was my greatest fear!  (thanks kids) 

Alas, God chooses to use such frail, cracked jars of clay. (2 Cor. 4:7)  I am sure He was and will be glorified even through my incredible weakness.  I was felled by a virus so small you cannot even see it!

My hope and prayer is that now that I have had this new experience, I don't ever need to have it again.

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