Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The Problem of Evil for a Good and Holy God

A repost of yesterday's holiday post.  I know many were not in front of their computers yesterday, so I will repost with a different title.  Keep sharing these posts with friends!

This past weekend I had two interesting questions.  The first involved the auto accident just down from my home where two people were killed.  A man driving a mini-van fell asleep at the wheel, crossed the center line, and hit another mini-van head-on.  The result was the death of two local folks in the car doing nothing but driving home.  Why did God allow this to occur?  I think it is more shocking because it happened near the time when school was letting out and many in our church were on that same road.  It could have been us!

The second question involves a young boy in a local town who is transgendered and identifies with being girl instead of a boy.  In the local paper, the lead story was concerning this "heroic" family who fights against the bigoted, ignorant Mainers who question how this anatomical male can be allowed to use the girl's bathroom in Middle school/high school.  As you can see, our paper has a far-left lean in how they set up the article.  The question was asked, "How does a Christian worldview answer the questions of a transgendered person?"  A second question was related in how do we understand the "obvious" tension between what is and what God's word declares as true?

I think there are two ways to look at both of these questions.  First, one can answer them by saying that what is is what is right.  This is the answer of secularism and most of our culture (including many Christians who have adopted this view).  So with the car accident, we have no answer.  Some will attempt to give it a moral application by saying that such events should prompt us to be thankful for our family.  It causes temporary sorrow, but what can we do?

Others will be outraged.  They will argue that as a culture we should do everything we can to help protect people from such evil.  For many this means legislation against "Driving when tired".  It means a political campaign to stop "senseless" behavior.  Of course the man who had the accident was taking his children from Canada to Boston for a family trip.  Was this "senseless"?  How do we judge?  Many of our seemingly well-intentioned laws are direct attempts to answer such questions.  Folks have determined that they will protect society by legislation.  They will change by political force what is, so the evil consequences will not occur again!

Similarly, in the case of the transgendered boy, many argue what is is right.  This boy did not "choose" his sexual identity, therefore what he is is right.  Really?  Evolutionary science argues that humans are sexual beings.  99% of men (the other 1% lie) are often attracted to others sexually.  Should they just act on these impulses?  Is what is right?  

What would happen to society if we acted on these impulses?  For one thing Father's Day would be very confusing!  For another, the entire society would break down.  In fact, this is what we are seeing because social planners have implemented these ideas into our culture.  Marriage, fidelity, and purity are seen as prudish and foolish.  Living together, divorce, and sexual exploration are seen as the normal.  Moreover, since we see such behavior, it must be right!  To argue against such behavior means you are bigot, a racist, and an unenlightened person.

I could say more, but the question was how does a Christian worldview address these questions and tendencies in our culture?  First, we must realize that there are behaviors which are wrong and sinful.  In the article in our local paper, the enlightened, tolerant parents were pitted against a backward, bigoted grandfather who objected to the boy using the girl's restroom saying, "We do not need faggots in our school." (or something like this)  In the judgment of the writer and most posting in response to the article, this man's reaction was harshly judged and condemned.  Is this not declaring his behavior as ultimately and completely wrong and sinful?  Of course it is!  The question is how to judge right from wrong?

Here is where the Christian worldview comes in.  Regardless of whether I think it is wrong, if God declares it so, then it is wrong.  Treating others badly is wrong.  The grandfather should not have said this to the boy.  Is thinking it evil?  Maybe, maybe not.  What about transgendered folks?  What happened here?  

Jesus actually answered the question in John 9.  When presented with a man born blind, he was asked, "Who sinned, this man or his parents?"  Today we would have asked, is this really the result of individual sin?  The boy had no choice.  This is so unfair!  Similarly, with the car accident, we see it was a tragic accident.  The deaths were so unfair!  Ultimately we come to our real objection and question. How could a good and righteous God allow this to happen?!  Are not both of these events proof against a good and righteous God?

Jesus' answer is telling.  "It was neither that this man sinned, nor his parents; but it was in order that the works of God might be displayed in him.  We must work the works of Him who sent Me, as long as it is day; night is coming, when no man can work.  While I am in the world, I am the light of the world." John 9: 3-5

Our world was created good, but it is fallen.  Sin permeates every sphere of experience.  There are still vestiges and glimpses of the created good, but sin is present!  The result of sin is more sin, death, and decay.  Individuals, cultures, and entire institutions are in motion either toward or away from their created good.  Jesus entered into this fallen world to help make all things right.  Ultimately it will be right when sin and death is finally destroyed and the new heavens and new earth emerge!  Until then, we struggle against sin, death, and decay.

Thankfully, Jesus' life, death, and resurrection have overturned sin and death.  His Spirit is at work turning individuals to repentance and faith.  These individuals then continue the work of Jesus to bring light into the darkness.  Hopefully and prayerfully this means the turning of other individuals, cultures and institutions back toward their created good.  Such action is not bigoted but loving.

So, why do accidents happen?  We live in a fallen world.  Thankfully our hearts are made for eternity so this world is not all there is.  I do not know the why and neither does anyone else.  I do know that God can work to redeem even tragedy.  Through tragedy love, mercy, and grace are seen.  The key is to not allow tragedy to turn one bitter and blaming.

So, why do people express transgendered tendencies?  We live in a fallen world.  Even our healthy and natural sexual appetites can be twisted and perverted from their created good.  Like all of us, transgendered folks need love and grace!  No one is beyond the power of Jesus to be changed toward their created good.  Healing and restoration are possible.  

I could say more, but I will leave it here.  What do you think?

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