Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Religious Self-Effort Our Greatest Sin?

I have written on this topic before.  Can anyone find the post date?  Just a test.  On vacation, so trying not to think too hard.

"If by the Spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body you will live." Rom 8:13

Often well meaning folks interpret this passage as a call to stronger resolve.  I know from my experience that many churches, particularly suburban churches, are filled with strong career-minded folks.  These folks (and I might be you!) are able to control their environment through hard work, focus, and planning.  Many of them are successful at their chosen career or life path because of these traits.

The problem is matching these traits with "If by the Spirit...."  Our flesh or sinful nature has two sides.  One is open rebellion.  O.K. we have checked this one off as not the problem.  The other is much more dangerous and secretive.  It is religious self-effort.  This is effort that does not depend upon God, but trusts in our own will-power and strength to change us.  An example of this is how most of us diet.  If we need to lose 5 or even 15 pounds, many of us discipline ourselves, change our exercise problem, eat better, and will/pull ourselves to the finish line.  Of course when we do, we look great for the reunion, but then gain back all the weight and more in the next six months!  Where is our dependence upon God in this simple exercise of bodily change?

I know some will say, well what is the alternative?  If I do not do it, who will?  Such a response is natural.  Yet, it is not the entire story!  I think of Nehemiah.  He was a man of action, but also of faith.  He cried out to God to help him change things.  I can picture him circling the broken walls of Jerusalem talking to God about what needs to be done.  Praying for the grace to find help.  Praying for help in organizing.  Asking for mercy to protect the Jews from their enemies.  The old monastic tradition had a saying of "work and pray."  I ask each of us, do we pray as we labor?  Do we work and then ask God to bless?

Like losing weight, our will-power will only get us so far.  God must change our heart and minds by His grace so that we can love Him and others well.  "If by the flesh you put to death the misdeeds of the body," I assure you will not work.  It might give an appearance of working for awhile, but it does not deal with our heart and soul.  In the end, it will lead to either self-righteousness or guilty failure.

May we depend upon the Lord this day as "By the Spirit" we walk in grace and truth "putting to death the misdeeds of the body."

1 comment:

  1. OK, I'll take the challenge! You have blogged about religious self-effort on a several of your entries, mostly confessions and observations. See June 28, May 30, May 27, May 21, and May 5 as those with the most to say on that topic. Insights and admonishments about this particular topic would be a great book topic in itself...!

    Hope you're having fun and enjoying your family and your vacation!
