Thursday, February 26, 2015

The Dark Night part 2

If in Christ we have hope in this life only, 
we are of all people most to be pitied.
1 Cor. 15:19

I was doing so well.  I was back to writing more consistently.  I was looking forward to finishing February strong.

Then life got in the way.

I think most of us understand what I mean.  Sometimes we run into a busy time of life.  Sometimes we get sick.  Sometimes relational disaster strikes.  Sometimes we just can't get out of our own way.

My last post included a brief description of what Christian spirituality writers have called the Dark Night of the soul.  I believe many believers go through this experience.  

It is not just a day or a week of "life" that has gotten in the way.  It is an extended period where we wonder where is God?  We don't feel His presence, but instead we actually feel an absence.  It is like something is missing.

This experience can be brought about by busyness or lack of busyness; illness or great health; broken relationships or great relationships; or any other combo.

The real question of the Dark Night is:

In Whom do you trust?

This is really the primary question of all of life.  It just becomes the focal point of the Dark Night.  Do we trust that God is good and He has our best interests in heart?  Do we trust that He loves us?  Do we trust Him?

If we are not careful, it is easy to like the blessings of faith more than we like trusting in God.

In other words, do we like the feelings being in God's presence more than God?  Do we like the gifts of God more than the Giver of gifts?  Do we like our vision of how life should be more than trusting in faith when things don't go our way?

I know.  Another post with more questions than statements of "fact".  Sorry, that is how life is.  The longer we live, the more questions we have.  There are too many events in life that lead us to ask why.

In the midst of the struggle to believe in the midst of life's distractions, I offer this hope.

This life is not all there is.  
We were made for eternity and our heart longs for it.  
When Jesus comes back to set all things aright,
things will be set right.
All injustice, all loss, all wrong will be made right.
Sin and death will be done away with.
What we now know as through a mirror dimly,
we will know fully even as we will be fully known (and loved).

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