Monday, February 27, 2012

Religion as opposed to the Gospel

"The underlying conviction of my preaching, pastoring, and writing is that the gospel- this eternally fascinating message craved by the angels- can change a heart, a community, and the world when it is recovered and applied.  The gospel is life giving, because it generates changes that are received only by grace through faith.  This foundational truth, however, gets bypassed, obscured, and forgotten, because, as Martin Luther noted, religion forms the default mode of the human heart.  It is essential, then, that we distinguish religion from the gospel.  Religion, as the default mode of our thinking and practices, is based upon performance: "I obey; therefore, I am accepted by God."  The basic operating principle of the gospel, however, is, not surprisingly, an about-face, one of unmerited acceptance: "I am accepted by God through Christ; therefore, I obey."  To truly understand this paradigm shirt at a life-altering level requires that the gospel be explored and "looked into" at every opportunity and in regular, systematic ways."
Tim Keller in the forward to J.D. Greear, Gospel: 
Recovering the Power that Made Christianity Revolutionary. 

Today we begin a new week in Christ!  This means that His mercy are new and fresh to those in Christ.  As I just preached at Grace yesterday the call for all of us is "Repent therefore, and turn again, that your sins may be blotted out, that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord, that he may send the Christ appointed for you, Jesus." Acts 3:19-20

Why do so many of us not enjoy the presence of the Lord?  I am not talking about those who do not believe, but those of us who believe.  So often we become satisfied with the status quo, ministry, church, work, home, family, and the rest of life.  We still believe.  We might even find brief times of refreshing.  But a life enjoying the refreshing that comes from the presence of the Lord?  This seems so foreign!

As Keller notes, the primary reason for our lack of intimacy with God is the sorrowful condition of our heart.  Even as believers, the default mode of our heart is to walk in religion instead of grace.  Even worse, our churches are full of people just like us!  We gather around others who struggle to believe the grace of the Lord is needed for everyday life.  

If we do not continually come back to the gospel, we will fall away from grace so we can walk in religion.

The result will be frustration, stagnation in our growth, and a growing coldness to the power and presence of the Holy Spirit.  We will become self-concerned and focused.  We will become increasingly miserable.  

What should we do?  Repent and believe!  Confess the self-focused nature of your heart and life.  Look into the gospel again.  Claim the promises of grace.  Ask the Spirit to lead and guide into a life of love and ministry.

Today, the mercies of the Lord are new and fresh!  Repent and believe them.

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