Monday, February 11, 2013

Unite my heart, O Lord

By the grace of God, I just finished a very busy week.  In the past seven days I have had many one-on-one appointments, groups meetings, a leadership retreat over the weekend, and then worship on Sunday including a new format for our evening service.  I worked, planned, and labored many, many hours.  I am not complaining.  I actually enjoyed it!

On Wednesday before the weekend ramped up, I was thinking and talking with the Lord about all the activity.  I honestly did not know for sure how any of it would go.  I did not have a solid bead on how to approach or complete any of the tasks.  This feeling is not normal for me.

Instead of the certainty of knowing what to do, I had to trust and rest in the grace of God.

I am glad to report that I am growing better at trusting and resting.  I am sad to report that I am still not really good at it!  I am much better at control than trust; at self-effort instead of rest; at worry and fear instead of peace and joy.

This morning I arose to meet with the Living God in prayer and His word.  Right off the page jumped Ps 86:11 

Teach me your way, O Lord, 
that I may walk in your truth;
unite my heart to fear your name forever.

Unite my heart.  What a great phrase!  This is exactly what I need.

My very real human condition is most often marked by self-reliance.  Yet, I was created to be in complete reliance and trust by faith in the one true God.  When I live in my real real human condition, I experience anxiety, fear, depression, and self-pity on the one hand and control issues, self-reliance, self-righteousness, and pride on the other.  Often, I seem to bounce back and forth between these two poles of human experience.  Sometimes I make this bounce within a single minute!

Unite my heart, O Lord.  How?

Unite it so I regain and live in faith and trust in Your love and mercy.  Unite it so learn to walk in Your truth and the gospel instead of in my selfish thoughts and self-righteousness.  

Lord, unite that which is separated!

Weeks like this past one help me to see that God is faithful and He will lead and guide.  Yet, I need His grace to believe it before the next week!  Experience is a good teacher, but God's grace is needed to change my heart, to unite my heart so I can rest in God's grace.

What about you?  I encourage you and I, like David before us, begin the week by praying Ps. 86:11.

Teach me your way, O Lord,
that I may walk in your truth;
unite my heart to fear your name forever.

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