Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Changing our habits and heart

In yesterday's post, I discussed the "sluggard."  I confessed that all too often, I have been that man!  I know that all of us often put off to tomorrow what we should do today.  In a fallen world, it is our condition.  Today I wanted to keep with the theme of laboring in the world for the Lord.  In particular, I wish to repost elements of a former entry that several folks told me was helpful.  

The key question is how do we change our habits so that we can honor the living God with our use of time?  Our habits become so ingrained that they become our character.  I know that many of us hate this idea!  We wish and hope for the grace to change.  We might even pray for inner transformation.  Yet, we stay the way we are or only make slight changes to our basic character. 

At this point, many people give us looking for the gospel and Jesus to really change them.  They resign themselves to letting the past dictate the future.  Some give up going to church for fear of being found out as hypocrites.  Why can they not change!

I believe one reason people do not change is they have never thought through or been taught how to change any behavior.  In today's culture, we are often told that what is is what should be.  In other words, don't hope for something better, but make the best of what you got.  I find this advice crazy.  I want to fight against my fallen nature and against the fallen world!  I want God to be honored with my life, behavior, and heart.

So, how do we change?  In my experience, it takes three days to make most surface changes.  To change your diet, three days.  To change exercise patterns, three days.  Three days of will-power and you can change many patterns.  The key is that you really have to want to change.  

I also have found that three weeks of pattern change often changes our character.  In other words, keep doing what you change for three days for three weeks and you will find your desires for the old behavior are lessened.  

Many say they want to lose weight.  Yet, they eat horribly.  The reality is that they like junk food more than they wish to lose weight.  Three days and you can change patterns!  Three weeks and you are different!

If you fall off the wagon, remember it is only three days of will-power.  Remind yourself of your goal.  Stop yourself from your destructive patterns for three days.  On day four, it will be easier!

So where does God fit into all this?  I ask Him constantly for the will-power to make it three days!  I talk with Him constantly about my desire to give up the donut for better health.  I ask Him to change my desires.  In other words,

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
and do not lean on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge Him,
and He will make your paths straight." 
Proverbs 3: 5-6 

In the process of making surface changes, I also ask the Lord to help me see why I do what I do.  What really motivates me?  What truly causes my surface sins?  I have to admit the answers to these questions are often elusive.  I need God to reveal what is going on under the surface.

Let me give an example.  Why do you eat wrong foods?  Do you like food or do you hate your body?  The first can be cured with will-power, the second needs the gospel to deal with your heart.  So many folks believe deep down that they deserve to be fat and unattractive.  Such a belief is both untrue and destructive.  In Christ, it needs to be identified, confessed, repented of, and the truth of the gospel needs to be applied.  At this point, you may need help of a trusted friend or counselor to help apply the love of God to your heart.

Let me give another example, are you controlling in your relationships?  Why?  Ask for the Holy Spirit to be at work revealing the truth.  Do you want others to serve you?  Is it selfishness?  Is it a desire to be right?  Do you doubt that God could be at work apart from your desires for the other person?  Repent of your actual heart sins.  Ask for the Lord to heal those places deep within.  

So how do we change?  Ask the Lord for mercy, grace and will-power to change some basic habits.  Remember in three days you can change many habits!

Also, ask the Lord for mercy and grace to see that your surface behaviors/sins are caused by a heart that needs grace.  In my walk with God, I use the three day will-power trick to force myself to come before the Lord in repentance and then faith.  By day four, it is much easier to come into His presence in repentance and faith.  My guess is that such behavior also could help you!  Remember, in three weeks you will find changes to your heart.

Remember growth is a process.  Real heart change often takes time and there will be ups and downs.  If you fall off the wagon, repent and begin again.

Every day is a new day of grace!

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